Advice for College Freshman

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Going into college, I thought I knew what to expect…. I was wrong. Here’s some tips for your first year of college!

1.) Caffeine, specifically coffee, will be your best friend.

2.) Get your books off of Amazon, save yourself some money!

3.) Use a planner. It helps. A lot. Color-coding is also a great idea!

4.) Failing is NOT the end of the world. It is better to try & fail, than to not try at all!

5.) Go to class everyday, whether attendance is mandatory or not. You will save yourself a lot of time not having to make-up the information.

6.) Use 2 notebooks, one to take notes in class and the other for copying the notes later on. Re-writing information is a great way to learn the material!

7.) If you have time for a quick nap, it’s ALWAYS a good idea to take it.

8.) It is okay to not know what you want to Major in yet.

9.) Be yourself!

10.) Always have cereal and milk on hand.

11.) Make a daily routine. It’s much easier to get things done when you have a routine set in place.

12.) Have fun!

Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm. -Winston Churchill