My Top 10 Blogging Tips

1.) Use real-life situations! These are easy to relate to, and could also help someone going through something at the moment.

2.) Add lots of images.

3.) Watch the popular bloggers/professionals!

4.) Make it stand out!

5.) Keep up with popular trends… these will help get more people to see your blog post since it is popular!

6.) Engage in other’s posts…a lot!

7.) Always be positive.

8.) Promote your website and blog posts on ALL your social medias! Over half of my subscribers are family members/friends.

9.) Nothing you write is EVER wasted…so write whatever you want.

10.) Set goals.. ex.) different topics, reach more people, etc.

Please feel free to add to my tips! I would love to hear what tips you all have!

xoxo, K

*Image credit to google*

Why I Love Being a Rep for PuraVida Bracelets

I’m sure you’ve heard of PuraVida bracelets, but do you know the story behind them?

P.S.. stay tuned for info on how to save 20% off your entire purchase 😉

PuraVida bracelets help artisans all over the world, and they have charity packs as well! A small amount of proceeds of almost all their products go towards helping others/organizations. You can also customize your own, to help your own community or someone in your community in need! They have done bracelets for Hurricane Michael Relief (which is great because I personally was affected by it), and other natural disasters.

The Legacy Pack by Colton Underwood.. a.k.a THE BACHELOR.. 25% of the stack’s net profits will be donated to the Colton Underwood Legacy Foundation; a nonprofit that supports people who are living with Cystic Fibrosis! (

This suicide prevention awareness bracelet donates 10% of profit to SAVE.. an organization that helps to prevent suicide through public awareness and education, helps reduce the stigma and serve as a resource to those touches by suicide. (

How awesome is that?!?

They also have other items such as rings, earrings, necklaces, clutches, and MORE!

I love the mission behind all of the bracelets, and love being a brand rep for them.

Use code kaylyndurwin20 for 20% off ALL your PuraVida purchases! This code NEVER EXPIRES😊


My Top 3 Favorite TV Series

Everyone loves a good TV series, right?

I have picked my top 3 favorite TV series in hopes that you watch them, or will watch them! If you watch any of these, comment your favorite episode/moment!

1.) My absolute all time favorite is DEFINITELY Grey’s Anatomy. If you haven’t watched it, I recommend it 100%! I know…TONS of people watch this show, but believe me, it is SO worth watching the 15 seasons. I honestly am now emotionally attached to the characters…. and that is all I will say; no spoiler alerts!

2.) This next one is also SUPER popular, sorry guys! I’ll give you 1 hint; The Mother of Dragons. If you guessed Game of Thrones… YOU ROCK! My boyfriend and I started watching this show together at the end of December 2018, and finished all 7 seasons (that were on HBO) by February. When I tell you this show is amazing, I mean it is AMAAZZIINNGG.

3.) My third choice is Law & Order: SVU. I have watched almost every episode twice (hahaha!) and never get tired of them. If you like crime dramas, this show is calling your name!

Let me know what your top 3 fav tv shows are in the comments below!

Embrace Yourself Today and Everyday

Embrace. What does that word mean to you?

At the beginning of 2019, I decided my “word of the year” would be “embrace”. Honestly, this is my first time picking out a “word of the year”, but I went for it.

I chose embrace because there are so many ways to perceive it.

Embrace your past.

Embrace your insecurities.

Embrace your personality.

Embrace your beauty.

The list could go on and on….

Instead of letting your past affect your future, let it go! What’s in the past, is in the past. Don’t look back!

I know…. it’s easy to compare yourself to the “perfect girl/guy” on Instagram who has the “perfect life”. Im begging you, please do NOT compare yourself to the girls and guys on Instagram, or any other social medias!! Their life isn’t perfect, even though it may look like it on screen. BE YOU! Once you have accepted your flaws, nobody can use them against you. Embrace who you truly are ✰

Opinions aren’t facts, so stop worrying about what others think of you. There will ALWAYS be someone prettier, someone smarter, etc. BUT…. there will never be anyone exactly like you!

Love yourself, embrace your flaws, and never let the opinions of others affect your self confidence. You are enough! -Bethany Mota

Xoxo, K

Advice for College Freshman

image credit to google

Going into college, I thought I knew what to expect…. I was wrong. Here’s some tips for your first year of college!

1.) Caffeine, specifically coffee, will be your best friend.

2.) Get your books off of Amazon, save yourself some money!

3.) Use a planner. It helps. A lot. Color-coding is also a great idea!

4.) Failing is NOT the end of the world. It is better to try & fail, than to not try at all!

5.) Go to class everyday, whether attendance is mandatory or not. You will save yourself a lot of time not having to make-up the information.

6.) Use 2 notebooks, one to take notes in class and the other for copying the notes later on. Re-writing information is a great way to learn the material!

7.) If you have time for a quick nap, it’s ALWAYS a good idea to take it.

8.) It is okay to not know what you want to Major in yet.

9.) Be yourself!

10.) Always have cereal and milk on hand.

11.) Make a daily routine. It’s much easier to get things done when you have a routine set in place.

12.) Have fun!

Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm. -Winston Churchill